
together, we can make a difference.

Miles of Smiles

With the extensive hours that our road warriors have on the road, they don’t have the benefits nor the time to have regular checkups from their dentist. Working with licensed dentist across the nation, The National Road Project will provide dental services for our road warriors wherever they travel. Partner with us to make a change by seeing if your local dental office will partner with the national road project.

Dipsticks and Tuneups

The National Road Project works with volunteering general medical practitioners to provide regular checkups and free diagnostic testing for CDL drivers and freight industry workers across the country. Contact us if you or your business would like to contribute your time or resources to help our drivers on the road.

Feast of Road Warriors

With the amount of traveling that our truck drivers have, they don’t ever have much time to prepare nutritiously balanced foods to stay healthy and feel full. Truck drivers typically end up eating fast food or gas station food every single meal during their trips. With our “Feast of Road Warriors” initiative, we will provide nutritionally packed foods for our Road Warriors to give them the meals they need to stay healthy on the road. Join the cause by contacting us and see how you can help feed our truck drivers.

Make a Donation

If you can’t find the time or want to help elsewhere, make a donation today to provide the funds necessary for us to provide services where we can and make an active difference in the lives of our drivers and their families. Whether it’s partnering with us, buying a hat from our partner Truckloco, or making a donation to the cause, you can make a difference. Everything helps and would be greatly appreciated!

Administration and Organization

Want to see how you can help behind the scenes and be a part of our team that propels the mission forward? Contact us and see how you can join the fight by contacting clients, preparing sponsored events, or being a part of our planning committee!

Community Outreach Events

Come visit us at our community events! From event booths at your favorite retail stores to participating in large service activities, there are a vast range of opportunities to participate in!

To learn more about what inspired the National Road Project, click down on the button below: